High Power Lasers on the Basis of Yb- and Nd-doped Materials (1020 – 1080 nm)
Yb- and Nd-doped high power lasers are commonly used in material processing as well as measurement applications. Thin disk, slab and fiber lasers were developed to achieve high cw-output power and excellent beam quality. They can also be operated as high power lasers in the ns to fs range.
LAYERTEC has developed different coating designs for handling extraordinarily high power densities or energy densities in cw lasers or pulsed lasers, respectively. The designs are optimized either for cw radiation, ns pulses or ps pulses.
Edge Filters and Pump Mirrors
Thin Film Polarizers
Thin film polarizers are key elements for regenerative amplifiers in ns- and ps-lasers. LAYERTEC optimizes its polarizer designs for high laser-induced damage thresholds (LIDT). Fig. 4 shows examples of a broadband polarizer with Rp < 0.2 % for AOI = 55° with a bandwidth of 25 nm in the wavelength range of Yb-doped fiber lasers (Fig. 4a) and a narrowband polarizer which is optimized for very low Rp values at a single wavelength (Fig. 4b). Fig. 4c shows a comparison of the calculated transmittance spectrum for p-polarized light and a measurement in a CRD set-up. Fig. 4d shows Tp vs. AOI for the same polarizer (measured at 1042 nm). These measurements prove that Tp > 99.9 % can be achieved by angle adjustment. This is important especially for intra cavity applications.
Picosecond Lasers based on Yb-doped Materials
Picosecond laser optics require specially designed coatings to achieve high laser damage thresholds. For detailed information please see page High Power Ultrafast Laser Optics (550 – 1100 nm) ff. For GTI mirrors which are often used for pulse compression from the ps range down to a few hundred fs please see page Gires-Tournois-Interferometer (GTI) Mirrors (600 – 1600 nm).
Alignment and Process Monitoring
Output Couplers and Beam Splitters
- Beam splitters and output couplers can be produced with a precisely adjusted degree of reflectance according to customer specifications.
- Common types:
- Rs,p > 95 % ±0.5 %
- Rs,p = 80 % … 95 % ±1 %
- Rs,p = 10 % … 80 % ±2 %
Non Polarizing Beam Splitters
- Beam splitters with Rs ≈ Rp (|Rs – Rp| < 1.5 %) for AOI = 45° and different degrees of reflectance:
- Common types:
- Rs,p = 66 % ±1 %
- Rs,p = 50 % ±2 %
- Rs,p = 33 % ±3 %
- All non-polarizing beam splitters with rear side AR:
Rs ≈ Rp ≤ 0.6 %
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