Broadband and Scanning Mirrors (300 – 2500 nm)

LAYERTEC produces broadband and scanning mirrors according to customer specifications. Full dielectric and metal-dielectric coating designs are available. In the following, examples designed for broad wavelength regions or extremely large ranges of incidence angles are presented.
Broadband mirrors are widely used to reflect light from lasers that emit in a broad wavelength range like for example Ti:Sapphire lasers, dye lasers, or a combination of different diode lasers. Special mirrors are also available to cover the whole visible spectrum, the near ultraviolet and considerable parts of the near infrared spectral regions. LAYERTEC recommends such mirrors as universal turning mirrors for nearly all types of laser diodes.
Broadband mirrors for the NIR range are especially useful for reflecting idler wavelengths of optical parametric oscillators or for special fs-applications. In combination with Fused Silica as a substrate material, a large blocking range from 2300 to 6000 nm can be achieved. Other NIR materials such as sapphire and YAG are possible alternatives. These materials can be used for high power applications to improve the cooling of the optics by the thermal conductivity of the substrate. This may be necessary if the absorption of water (around 2.8 μm) or of the coating material itself leads to an increase in temperature.

Broadband Mirrors

Fig.1:CRD-measurements R (0 – 10°) of an ultra broadband mirror set as reference plates for reflection measurements
a)HRu (0 – 10°, 325 – 580 nm) > 99.8 … 99.97 %
b)HRu (0 – 10°, 500 – 1050 nm) > 99.95 %
c)HRu (0 – 10°, 1020 – 2490 nm) > 99.95 %

Scanning Mirrors

LAYERTEC offers scanning mirrors for high power laser applications and for special demands with respect to wavelength and AOI range. Scanning mirrors are optimized for high reflectance for one wavelength or a certain wavelength region at a wide range of angles of incidence. LAYERTEC’s coating technology provides industrial solutions for lightweight scanning mirrors as well as special mirrors with uncommon sizes up to 600 mm for research with cw and pulsed high power lasers.
Fig.2:Reflectance spectra of a silver based scanning mirror with enhanced wavelength range for laser diodes in the NIR:
HRu (22° – 58°, 800 – 1000 nm) > 99 % + Ru (22° – 58°, 630 – 670 nm) > 50 %
Fig.3:Reflectance vs. AOI of a wide angle scanning mirror for polarized Nd:YAG laser radiation: HRs (0° – 90°, 1064 nm) > 99.9 %
These mirrors are ideal as scanning mirrors for s-polarized light or to facilitate the production of optical gratings.
Fig.4:Reflectance and GDD spectra of a scanning mirror for ultrafast laser pulses from a Ti:Sapphire laser:
HRu (22° – 58°, 750 – 850 nm) > 99.5 %, |GDD-Ru (22° – 58°, 750 – 850 nm)| < 20 fs²
a)Reflectance vs. wavelength
b)GDD vs. wavelength
The broad low-GDD wavelength range of these mirrors makes it possible to use them in ultrafast laser applications. For more information or more examples on broadband and scanning mirrors please see page Ti:Sapphire Lasers operated with ns-Pulses (550 – 1100 nm) (optics for Ti:Sapphire and diode lasers), page Standard Ultrafast Laser Optics (120 – 150 nm Bandwidth) and, especially for scanning mirrors, page Front Surface Silver Mirrors (400 – 4000 nm) (silver mirrors).

Ernst-Abbe-Weg 1
99441 Mellingen

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