Components for the Second Harmonic of the Ti:Sapphire Laser (300 – 600 nm)
Dual Wavelength Mirrors for AOI = 0°
The second harmonic of the Ti:Sapphire laser provides fs-pulses in the NUV and VIS spectral range. This aspect offers a variety of applications in spectroscopy and materials science. Optics for these special applications must be optimized for both high reflectance and low dispersion. Negative dispersion mirrors for pulse compression are of interest as well.
Separators for the Second Harmonic from the Fundamental for AOI = 45°
- Reflectance R > 99.9 % for s- and p-polarization in the reflectance band
- Transmittance T > 95 % for s- and p-polarization in the transmittance band
- These components work for p- and s- polarization, but performance can be optimized if the polarization is clearly specified
- Bandwidth of the 800 nm reflectance band > 200 nm for p-polarization
- All separators exhibit |GDD| < 20 fs² in the transmittance band
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