Standard Ultrafast Laser Optics (120 – 150 nm Bandwidth)
- The coatings shown here are calculated for a bandwidth of 120 – 150 nm in the wavelength range between 600 nm and 1000 nm
- Very high reflectance of the mirrors (R > 99.99 %)
- Spectral tolerance 1 %
- In-house design calculation and GDD measurement capabilities
- Center wavelength, GDD and TOD according to customer specifications
- Measured GDD spectra available on request
- All kinds of mirrors (e.g. cavity mirrors, pump mirrors and turning mirrors)
LIDT Info |
0.4 J/cm², 800 nm, 42 fs, 1 kHz, Ø 80 µm* 2 J/cm², 800 nm, 70 fs, 10 Hz, Ø 700 µm** For high power mirrors see page High Power Ultrafast Laser Optics (550 – 1100 nm). |
* Measurements were performed at Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest |
** Measurements were performed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Cavity Mirrors AOI = 0°
All types of mirrors are also available with negative GDD (e.g. -40 fs²). For negative GDD mirrors or high dispersion mirrors see page High Dispersion Mirrors AOI = 0°.
Beam Splitters for s-polarized light at AOI = 45°
- Reflectance and transmittance of output couplers and beam splitters can be adjusted according to customer specifications
- Tolerances for output couplers:
- R = 10 % … 70 % ±2.5 %
- R = 70 % … 90 % ±1.5 %
- R = 90 % … 95 % ±0.75 %
- R = 95 % … 98 % ±0.5 %
- R > 98 % ±0.25 %
- R > 99 % ±0.1 %
- Standard AR coatings:
- AOI = 0°: R < 0.2 %
- AOI = 45°: Rs or Rp < 0.2 %
- AOI = 45°: Rs ≈ Rp ≈ 0.5 %
- In case of p-polarization, uncoated rear side possible,
Rp (Fused Silica, 45°) ≈ 0.6 %
High Dispersion Mirrors AOI = 0°
LAYERTEC also offers high dispersion mirrors for pulse compression in Ti:Sapphire lasers. These mirrors and mirror pairs show spectral bandwidths of 100 nm – 300 nm and negative GDD values of some hundred fs². Compared to prism compressors, high dispersion mirrors reduce the intra cavity losses enabling higher output power of the laser.
All high dispersion mirrors are designed according to customer specification. Please specify the amount GD which is to be compensated.
Matching measured and calculated GDD spectra prove the reliability of the coating process.
Thin Film Polarizers for AOI = 65°
The bandwidth of thin film polarizers can be extended if large angles of incidence are used. As shown in Fig. 11a polarizer bandwidth as large as 100 nm can be achieved. However, this is combined with a reduced reflectance for the s-polarized light especially at very large AOI (e.g. AOI = 80°).
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